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Celebrating 1 year of partnership with Regenda Group and YHA (England & Wales)

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Supporters of Trafford Hall met to celebrate the successful partnership between The Regenda Group, YHA (England & Wales) and the NCRC.

Supporters of Trafford Hall, including the Mayor and Mayoress of Chester, met to celebrate the one year anniversary of The Regenda Group, YHA (Youth Hostels Association) and the NCRC (National Communities Resource Centre) and to mark their many achievements.

Lesley Burrows, Managing Director of NCRC commented, “NCRC joined The Regenda Group in 2021, and the partnership has renewed NCRC’s drive to enable change for families, young people and communities in need. Trafford Hall is vital part of how we deliver our work – it’s a tranquil place where connections form easily and ideas flow. Our new partnership with YHA has further strengthened our offer, as they provide extra activities that are great for team building and reaping the benefits of being out in nature!”

NCRC offers a residential training centre for residents and frontline staff in struggling communities. The charity aims to empower communities to deliver change in collaboration with organisations such as social landlords, community groups and Local Authorities. In 25+ years of operation it has delivered over 750 courses that have reached 35,000 participants and seen around 10,000 community projects implemented.

Now part of the Regenda Group, the NCRC has been able to continue its mission and retain its home at Trafford Hall, which is an essential part of their delivery model.

YHA was appointed to run the Trafford Hall site in April 2021 and has welcomed more than 10,000 guests since then. In addition to general accommodation bookings and school visits YHA also offers an event service. The hall boasts 6 event spaces including ‘the Stables,’ which houses two large meeting rooms and 11 bedrooms which can be used for residential training, group bookings or school trips.

James Blake, Chief Executive of YHA (England & Wales) said: “YHA Chester Trafford Hall is an exemplar of how YHA can fulfil its mission of being a leading national charity for young people. It brings together YHA’s experience of operating accommodation with The Regenda Group’s passion and capacity to invest in transforming places and NCRC’s deep knowledge on how to empower some of our most disadvantaged communities.

“Although we are three very different organisations, we share a vision for transforming lives.  It is through our collaboration, facilities and affordable accommodation at YHA Chester Trafford Hall, that is open to anyone who wants to stay with us, that YHA is able to connect more young people to nature and the myriad of benefits that brings with it.”

To find out more about upcoming NCRC events visit our events page.

To book a stay at YHA Chester Trafford Hall click here

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