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Help us build an outdoor classroom

Family in the grounds of Trafford Hall Chester

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In 2020 on the passing of one of NCRC’s greatest supporters, Professor John Hills, Dame Sue Owen launched a memorial fund in his honour.  

John, who was married to Anne Power, Chair and founder of NCRC, was passionate about the work of the NCRC and Trafford Hall in helping people fulfil their potential.  So far, with the amazing generosity of our supporters we have raised nearly £30,000.  

Our ambition for this funding is to create an outdoor classroom, which will allow young people and their families who have limited access to outdoor space, to take part in fun and interactive programmes whatever the weather! 

We have a site ready within the grounds of Trafford Hall, and we want to give volunteers the opportunity of working on the build, so that we can help even more people to learn and embrace new skills. 

To make this classroom in the woods a reality we need your support to raise our total target of £60,000.

The funding will help to design and construct the classroom and also enable us to engage with young people who are often held back by a lack of opportunity and provide them with a chance to reach their potential. 

Be a part of this project by helping us to reach our target by Easter 2022, so that we can start the build the outdoor classroom over the summer.  

It is easy to get involved, just donate online and share the link with your friends and encourage them to do the same!

Together we can help build an outdoor classroom and you don’t even need to pick up a shovel!

Donate online here:


community volunteers painting a wall

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