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NCRC Raises £6,470 in successful ‘Big Give’ Challenge

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We are thrilled to announce our fundraising success following the recent ‘Big Give’ challenge. In just one week, our amazing supporters raised a total of £6,470 to support our ambitious vision for ‘The Education Barn.’

The Big Give challenge, held from 28th November to 5th December, helped charities across the UK raise a record-breaking £33m with match-funders topping up donations made by the public.

The funds we have raised during the Big Give will be used to design the environmental programmes that will run from The Education Barn in future, furthering NCRC’s commitment to creating a lasting impact on the community.

In memory of the esteemed Professor Sir John Hills, who was a leading supporter of NCRC, the Barn will be an outdoor classroom offering experiential learning for children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds.

Powered by photovoltaic panels, the Barn will be an off-grid and eco-friendly space, with a grass roof to encourage biodiversity. This innovative space will serve as a hub for delivering environmental programmes to children and young people, fostering a connection with nature, and encouraging creative problem-solving.

Lesley Burrows, NCRC’s Managing Director, commented, “We’re excited to be making significant strides towards realising this project in memory of John. The Education Barn will be a natural haven for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds offering varied learning experiences, building confidence, and nurturing essential green skills for the future.”

While we bring our Education Barn to life, NCRC is piloting environmentally focused youth programmes with support from Centrica’s Energy for Tomorrow fund. Aimed at 16-24 year olds, living in social housing, these programmes will introduce green skills through fun, confidence building activities. For more information and to view available dates click here.

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