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Opportunity to contribute to our award winning Housing Plus Academy research

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Housing associations, both large and small, are invited to contribute to the Housing Plus Academy’s next think tank event.

Led by the London School of Economics (LSE) Housing and Communities team, the Housing Plus Academy is a partnership between LSE Housing, the NCRC (National Communities Resource Centre) and 17 leading social housing providers. Since its inception in 2015 it has welcomed more than 1,500 participants to the 40+ think tanks that have taken place.

Taking place on 26th January the next event, ‘Survive and thrive: Small Landlords matter – what they contribute and what they need,’ will examine sector wide challenges facing smaller housing providers, seeking to solve issues through collaboration.

Following the event, a report summarising its findings will be available on NCRC’s website and shared with social landlords and government, meaning tenants’ and staff perspectives are fed directly into high-level policy.

Managing Director of NCRC, Lesley Burrows commented: “The thing that’s really special about these events is the way they give people with experience of issues, whether that be professionally or personally, the opportunity to share their understanding more widely, find solutions and have those solutions presented to others that can help them drive change.”

In 2022, similar reports completed the Housing Plus Academy were included in the London School of Economics’ submission to the Research Excellence Framework (REF), contributing to the school achieving a 4-star rating overall.

The next event will be chaired by Tom Chance, Chief Executive of the Community Land Trust (CLT) Network. Well versed in issues affecting the sector, Tom is an advocate for community ownership of land and affordable housing.

Speaking about the event Tom said: “I’m really looking forward to connecting with housing providers from across England at this event. All housing providers are feeling the effects of rising costs, limited resources and competing priorities so it’s more important than ever that we work together to ensure solutions are found and services continue as seamlessly as possible for residents.”

To read the programme and book please visit the events page of our website here.

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